
The Basics of Crowdfunding for Your Business

Fintech Harbor Consulting | The Basics of Crowdfunding for Your Business
Reviewer: Bohdan Popovchenko
Table of contents

What is crowdfunding in business and how does crowdfunding work? Beginning with the crowdfunding meaning, it is basically a financing option which allows to accept donations from an unrestricted amount of people in order to raise the required amount of money. This amount can actually be gathered in any form up to donations, rewards etc. This financing model is frequently used by charities or nonprofit organizations to satisfy various monetary goals for certain purposes such as filing manufacturing costs, developing new products or supporting a social cause and helping individuals in need. Contributions which are involved in raising funds can be received from investment groups and individuals, friends, family members and beyond.

In general, it’s important for contributors to understand how does the crowdfunding work and the fact that they are investing in individual projects featured on the platform and not in the platform itself. The risk of losing the entire invested amount is significant, especially with subordinated loans often used in crowd-investing. Investors typically have limited influence over the project and should carefully review the terms of the investment contract.

Types of Crowdfunding

Generally, there are four types of crowdfunding for your business, which you can use to raise money:

Donation crowdfunding: Mostly belongs to nonprofit and charity sectors. These entities accept the donations. Contributors do not get any recompense in this crowdfunding model by only donating. Add contrasting examples or additional details to support your position and show your point of view. Consider providing real-life instances to make your argument clearer and more compelling.

Rewards-based crowdfunding: Besides this usually involves a peer-to-peer model P2P (which means that supporters receive the product as a nomenclature cashback).

Equity-based crowdfunding: It is the form in which entrepreneurs can get money from investors in exchange for equity in their business. Businesses have the legal right to give part of their business stock as a reward for capital contributing, in this manner all their investors can profit from investing their own money.

Fintech Harbor Consulting | The Basics of Crowdfunding for Your Business

Benefits of Crowdfunding

Basically crowdfunding is a financial model which allows both entrepreneurs and investors to gain benefits. In general terms, it can be a really easy and fast way to raise funds with no upfront fees for mentioned above purposes.

For businesses, crowdfunding provides access to much-needed capital without sticking to traditional loans. Additionally, it serves as a powerful marketing tool that allows businesses to engage audiences and build a successful financially supportive and loyal community. Furthermore, crowdfunding can attract extra investments and media attention with further growth and public visibility.

For investors, crowdfunding serves as a tool to make their portfolio of investments more diverse. As a contributor, you can foster community engagement, democratize funding and empower innovative ideas to come into function.

There are dozens of cases when the company wanted to raise much smaller amounts than it raised in the end, just because the idea was so warmly welcomed by the contributors that they decided to develop this business even further.

Steps for a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

How to crowdfund a business? In the market that is quite changeable these days. To get the right answer to the question “how to get crowdfunding” requires the right vision and proper execution with tactics. Some of the basic essential steps to integrate crowdfunding into your business include:

  • a) Set Clear Goals: One main issue is to define your business goals in particular and the amount of funds as well that your business will require. Having a well-laser target as a goal will let you get through your pitch to the potential supporters with ease.
  • b) Create an Engaging Pitch: Most importantly, give a short but compelling talk which reveals

who you are, why you are special and how you are able to help people. Illustrate how your good or service is solving the problem of a need or demand and why people should be making the decision to back you. A good-looking offers for people what the main idea stands for and attracts potential supporters for your project.

Fintech Harbor Consulting | The Basics of Crowdfunding for Your Business

Crowdfunding Campaign Metrics and Analysis

Besides the unifying limelight, the success of your crowdfunding business is reflected on metrics indications too. Measuring the indicators of fundraising campaigns are the key to know how successful the campaigns are. This encompasses such core indicators as the achieved funding goal, time, progress monitoring, donation types, contact with the backers, demographics, conversion rate, traffic sources, engagement metrics, CPA (Cost Per Acquisition), and comments analysis. Such findings lead to the right strategic planning for coming formats and help to make them more effective.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Star Citizen: the most successful Kickstarter campaign which raised over $34 millions from almost 1 300 000 backers for a space simulation game.

Pebble Smartwatch: Pebble, a smartwatch manufacturer, enjoyed the honor of leading the smartwatch revolution while the smartwatch market had not yet fully taken off. In that year, they raised nearly $6 million within a month during a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. They set $100,000 as their objective and ended up meeting the target with an impressive sum of $10 million from the support of more than 70 thousand backers over a period of 1 year. Pebble has risen to the prominence, where the firm is now, due to the product”s outstanding material, the salespeople’s unforgettable message, and the

association with users.

Oculus Rift: To develop their Oculus Rift that would allow gamers to place oneself into their favorite games, Oculus VR, the founding enterprise of Palmer Luckey, has been preoccupied with the Kickstarter campaign since 2012. First of all of the team start with $250,000 USD goal and it was their initial target, but after all in the end, the sum had far exceeded $2.4 million USD’s acquiring from about 10,000 backers.

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Legal and Regulatory Considerations

A quite important legal issue is that crowdfunding will tangle owners with its securities laws. However, different securities rules may come into play based on the type of crowdfunding – whether it is equity fundraising, debt instrumentalities, or crowdfunding developed as a reward. Equity crowdfunding can be illustrated by the provision of stocks as investments which is generally under the regulations of securities. It is very important to make sure, that the specific type of crowdfunding is following the established legal rules in order not to receive severe penalties.

In Europe, for instance, crowdfunding falls under the European regulatory framework outlined in Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 for European Crowdfunding Service Providers. This regulation sets a limit of EUR 5 million in financing per project sponsor per year.

In the United States, the SEC regulates crowdfunding through its Regulation Crowdfunding rules, established under the JOBS Act. The SEC’s main roles include supervising funding portals and intermediaries, investigating potentially fraudulent activities, and ensuring that businesses seeking funding comply with disclosure requirements.

Tips and Recommendations

You can increase your chances of running a successful crowdfunding campaign for business by following some initial tips and recommendations.

a) Choose the Right Platform: You should consider such factors as the platform’s audience

demographics, project requirements and fee structure.

b) Build a Strong Community: Try to create a supportive community before launching your

campaign by engaging with potential backers through social media, email newsletters, and networking events.

c) Learn from Feedback: Analyze and pay attention to feedback from backers. Think of how to use it to improve your business, product and future crowdfunding. Be aware that crowdfunding is not just about raising funds but also about building relationships and learning from supporters.

d) The idea is 50% of work, the execution makes another 50%: make sure to specifically explain why your idea is a good one and most importantly how will you achieve it. It could be experienced team or clear milestones to success that make the magic.

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