Poland company register
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Steps to register a company in Poland
- The choice of the type of activity. Depending on the form of business organization will depend on the package of necessary documents and the amount of authorized capital.
- Approval of the company name. During registration, it is important to check the availability of the chosen name.
- Documents. It is necessary to create a company charter, write an application for a license (depending on the scope of business), and conclude a lease agreement for a legal address. It is also important to translate all the founders’ documents and notarize the translation.
- Contribution of minimal charter capital. This step involves opening a bank account.
- Registration in the National Court Register. After completing the procedure, the company is given a registration number, and all participants are given TIN numbers.
- Publication in the Judicial and Economic Bulletin. After official registration, information about it must be published in the official publication.
- Registration with state authorities. After the paperwork, the entrepreneur must register with the Social Insurance Office and the Polish Tax Office.
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Cost of registering a company in Poland
Features of the formation of a company in Poland
- The company name does not need to be registered in advance. Available names can be checked with lawyers directly in the process of paperwork.
- Poland company registration can be done on a web portal or with a notary.
- The average time for an online procedure is three to five days, and offline registration takes one to three months.
- Shareholders of Polish companies can be representatives of any nationality.
- When registering a company in Poland, you must give the address of the local office.
- It is not required to have a local director. The entire board of the organization may consist of non-residents.
- The Articles of Incorporation may be the Articles of Association of the LLC or the JSC.
- Banking of the legal entity becomes available as soon as it is registered.
- Each director of a Polish company must have an electronic signature.
What needs to be done to register a company online in Poland?
You need to go to the website https://ekrs.ms.gov.pl/ and select S24 – company registration. It is important to carefully read the information for entrepreneurs. At the bottom, you will see a “register” button as a new “utworz konto” user. When registering, you must provide an email address and a password. On the page Moje przedsiębiorstwa it is necessary to select “Dodaj” and fill out the form to be able to start your activity. Our specialists can provide you with more information on this issue.
How do I check if a company is incorporated in Poland?
If you want to make sure that business registration in Poland was successful, you should go to the official website of the Ministry of Justice of Poland https://ems.ms.gov.pl/ and then click on the red button Krajowy Rejestr.
Can I start trading in Poland?
Is Poland good for commerce?
In Poland, you can choose the type of company form, the company registration cost in Poland will depend on this. Non-residents have a list of available forms of business: an analogue of an LLC – (Sp. Z.o.o), a joint-stock company, a limited company, and a joint-stock limited company.
For example, obtaining a business visa for the business owner and his family members; a small statutory fund does not have to be in a bank account; VAT refund; there is an opportunity to get a loan on favourable terms. Work permits are issued after the registration of the company. Private and commercial real estate is relatively inexpensive, and their registration and purchase are quick. Registration of legal entities in Poland is a great opportunity to obtain not only permanent residence but also EU citizenship in the future.
Can foreigners register a company in Poland?
Yes, any foreigner can open a company in Poland.
How long does it take to register a company in Poland?
Online registration takes three to five days and registration with a notary – from one to three months.
How do I set up a business in Poland?
To start a business in Poland, you need to choose its legal form, prepare a package of necessary documents and apply to a special Internet portal or a notary to obtain the appropriate documents.